Due to being unsuccessful at finding a friend with a shop and a car lift that could help me, I decided it’s long over due. I’m pulling the motor!
I got a late start today but things went smoothly until I ran into a problem. The Brake line will not come loose. They are seized somehow. I’m rounding off the head. Anyhow, after that I decided it was late and time to get some rest.
I’ve disconnected the harness from the car & the steer column. Unbolted the AC compressor and moved it out of the way. Undone everything on the front side of the motor (radiator hoses, Air box, fuel lines, etc.).
Tomorrow I will be unhooking the drive shaft, and the transmission support, etc. and hopefully drop out the motor….. sometime afterwards I’ll figure out how to disconnect my brake line without destroying them.
If all goes well I’ll be stripping the motor. After I get it out I’ll paint the UIM and valve covers, replace all the seals on the new motor, and assemble the motor until its ready to drop back in, hopfully by next weekend. Then, maybe, turn that ignition over and start that baby up.
Current busted knuckle count: 2