OK. So currently I’m getting the numbers straight in my head about how much to spend where. The Check came in today. I’m going this weekend to pick up a 3.42 rear with disc brakes, both fenders, nose section, quick steer rack, and hopefully a couple other things. I have some sway bars on the way 32H/19S thanks to madforce10(V6F-Body.com) and Blix (V6F-Body.com) is sending me a 97+ console for me to play with.
This is the progress so far:
Working on the custom road lamps.
I bought the harness for them. I just have to mount them which is either really simple or really complicated. I haven’t figured out which yet.
I swapped my old broken battery tray with a newer unbroken one.
Lastly, a new battery. Ah, my system will no longer be thirsty.