House construction is still moving well. I’ve got power to the shop. I just have to get everything connected. The doors are installed so I can officially move in without concern of things being exposed to the weather and prying eyes.
Unfortunately, the Car just can’t wait for me to have a good place to work on stuff. The Power Steering pump decided to take a dump and spew fluid everywhere. I believe it is a parts house pump which I’ll probably go ahead and pay for an OEM so I don’t have to do this every few years. The PS fluid has been leaking down for a while and I couldn’t figure out where but I guess it was this.
Through the unpacking I’ve ran across the parts that need to get on the car. The list has grown. I haven’t been able to post about some of it. I’ll get an update on the car soon. The house has gotten plenty of attention. 😀
Recent photos of the shop progress…
Doors installed
Moving in (Feels good to see all my tools again lol)